GoogleMaps.Guru is my creation, Herve Andrieu. I am a Level 10 Local Guide with thousands of contributions to Google Maps since I started in 2016. A specialist in telecommunications and security, Google Maps is a hobby where I can try help others in very subtle ways by making this tool used very frequently by all of us more relevant one step at a time.
I posted more than 235,000 pictures reaching over 15 billion views on Google Maps. I ride a Gotway MSX electric unicycle, shoot with a Samsung S24 camera and a Ricoh Theta Z1 camera when going out for Google Maps photo-shoots.

While I mostly advise my friends and the people I meet while taking pictures for Google Maps, I was cited as an expert on the question of Google Maps Crowdsourcing on Lifewire, GPS and Google Maps by Reader’s Digest and the subject of Google StreetView also on Reader’s Digest.
My odd transportation choice was featured by YourParkingSpace.co.uk .
GoogleMaps.Guru is not affiliated with Google LLC.
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